Monday, October 19, 2009

A Mexican wanting to be a U.S. citizen

I start out saying I have a different prospective on this subject than I use to do. This a short version of what they have to go threw.

First off even if they can afford a coyote these man or women only takes them so far. They have to cross the dessert its hot & they have very little water to drink, snakes that will bite you & were would you get any help for the bite. then after the dessert you have the mountains were you could freeze to death plus by the time you get there you are very hungry because you haven't had any thing to eat for a few days. So your up in the mountains no coat or blankets when you go to sleep you never know if your going to wake up when the sun comes up. when the sun do come up they have to press on all along avoiding towns so you are not found out & sent back across the border.

Now when they arrive at their distention they have to get there green card so they have to raise about 5,000 dollars to get that. Which they have to live on what they make & save to pay that. It is in this time their classified as illegal immigrants  but how else are they going to pay for their green cards. Like do you have 5,000 dollars laying around. That is just to get there green card that's not for them to be a United States Citizen. To get that they have to take tests & still pay out more money. That's about all I know about this, So next time you say "do the deserve the right to work in the U.S." I myself say YES

I have to say my Son-In-Law  has come a long way. He has a house, cars, a very good job, kids & a wife which he is lucky to have because she could have any one she wants & she stays with him. So to end this I take my hat off to him & wish them Luck.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dad you know that means a lot to me and the only bad thing is that the people really don't know that in Mexico they get paid 30 cents a day for an 8 hour or more day. So that is why lots come over and work to build there house for their kids and wife. They don't want to leave them but what else can they do. Plus not all Mexican are bad like a lot of people say. Just like us we have some great white people and we have a lot of really bad and mean people. So like I always tell my kids don't judge a book by it cover because you will miss out on a lot. And if you are Mexican reading this I really do know what you want threw and I am happy you are here. graisas para su amistada con mi papa y no todos nos blancos es malos por hemblo mi papa y yo. Te amo a todos para su tiempo y amistada. Thanks again Dad and I will always remember this and that means you where really listening to what Jose was saying the other night. Love you and always will. Kyra Guzman


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